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Colorado Mineral Society
COLORADO MINERAL SOCIETY (CMS) was founded in 1936 by a group of distinguished individuals within the mineralogical field. The organization was incorporated as a non-profit, educational organization in 1948. The Society is affiliated with the Colorado Federation of Gem and Mineral Societies, Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies, and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies, a founding member of each group.
MISSION: To promote the study of minerals and other geologic materials, to encourage mineral collecting as a hobby and to conduct public meetings, lectures, and field trips, and to engage in all activities which relate to said purposes of the organization.
MEMBERSHIP: Open to all persons who agree to abide by Society rules and rules of the Federations.
Annual fees: $20.00 for a Family Membership, $18.00 for a Single Membership, $15.00 for a Senior Membership (Single or Family over 65), and $15 for a Junior Membership (under 18). Optional name badges are available for a one-time fee of $7.50.
ANNUAL EVENTS: Yearly activities include a silent auction of minerals, fossils, gems, jewelry, equipment, and other items related to our interests; participation as a member of the Greater Denver Area Gem and Mineral Council in sponsoring the largest gem and mineral show in Colorado in September; and the Founder’s Day picnic.
MEETINGS: General membership meetings start at 7:30 PM on the first Friday of each month, October through May, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 10th and Garrison (9200 W 10th Ave, Lakewood, CO 80215) in Lakewood, CO. Displays are set up by members about one half-hour before meetings. Specimens may be available for sale and trade. Visitors and guests are welcome.
BOARD MEETINGS: The board members meet once a month to complete the executive business and affairs of the Society. Meetings occur on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Additional meeting times, if necessary, may be called by the President or any three members of the board.
FIELD TRIPS: The Society sponsors several field trips from Spring through Fall for the purpose of collecting minerals, crystals, and fossils. These trips are one-day, two-day, and occasional several-day adventures. Per club rules, no dogs or other pets are allowed on the field trips and please do not leave them in your vehicles.